Crisis Response

When our community faces pandemics, wildfires, floods or other emergencies, the United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA) marshals the volunteers and financial support needed to Step Up and meeting the challenge to help those in need.

 16 organizations have formed the Safety-Net Services Coalition to address the needs of our friends and neighbors during the COVID-19 crisis.

Museum Flood


During these times of crisis and need, United Way’s network and partners are committed to help rebuild lives and strengthen communities. We would like to thank everyone who has helped and continues to help with our disaster relief and recovery efforts. Together, we are building a brighter future for communities, individuals and families.

Or Text To Give

uwnazresponse to 41444


Volunteer hub is a digital tool for registering volunteers and notifying them when events, opportunities, or emergencies occur.We are so grateful to our UWNA volunteers and understand their time is valuable. That’s why we’ve invested in VolunteerHub; to streamline the process, make it easy to volunteer and keep everyone informed and up-to-date.

COVID-19 Social Safety-Net Services Coalition