United Way of Northern Arizona
Grant Applications

City of Flagstaff ARPA Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply for an ARPA 2.0 grant:  

  • Nonprofits must provide services and be located in the City of Flagstaff limits.  
  • Have faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s increased demand for services and changing operational needs, as well as declines in revenue sources such as donations and fees.  
  • Nonprofits eligible for assistance are those that experienced negative economic impacts or disproportionate impacts of the pandemic and meet the definition of “nonprofit,” specifically those that are 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) tax exempt organizations. 
  • Have an active SAM registration showing the organization’s UEI and the SAM registration expiration date. Required for those applying for Education Assistance 
  • Provide services in one of the following focus areas. 
    • Aid to Nonprofits: 
      • Food 
      • Other supports 
    • Education Assistance 
      • Early Learning

In addition to addressing one or more of the services/activities above, in order to be eligible for UWNA ARPA 2.0 funding, an organization must: 

  • Be located in and serving residents of The City of Flagstaff limits. 
  • Have current not-for-profit status (501(c)3), for more than two (2) years. 
  • File an IRS form 990, including schedule A or 990 EZ, or can document the circumstances under which the 990 filing is waived. 
  • Be incorporated or chartered under appropriate local, state, or federal statutes. 
  • Abide by federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination and anti-terrorism. 
  • Have an active, preferably locally based, volunteer board or elected body that meets regularly, makes policy decisions, and holds elections of officers. 
  • Have an administrative structure with defined lines of responsibility, a mission statement, and bylaws. 
  • Submit a current annual audit ($500,000 or above), financial review ($200,000 – $499,999), or the most-recent Board-approved Fiscal Year-End Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activity comparative to the previous year ($199,999 or below), depending upon the organization’s total revenue. 
  • Submit an organizational chart and list of internal controls. 
  • Provide a current budget for the entire organization.  
  • Have current licenses, certifications, and/or permits, if applicable. 

Grant/Funding Ranges 

  • Education Assistance/Early Education – must request a minimum of at least $25,000 and maximum of $99,000 
  • Aid to Nonprofits (Food) – maximum request is $75,000 
  • Aid to Nonprofits (Other) – maximum request is $89,000 
  • Funding must be used for expenses accrued between January 1, 2022, and June 30, 2024. 

How to Apply: 

NOTE:  Application process opens on February 28, 2024. Application will not be available until then.

Log into or create an account in eCImpact portal using the link below.  


UWNA Community Investment 2023-2025 Application Process
is closed

Check back in January 2025 for information on the Community Investment two year funding cycle application process. 

Community Investment Volunteer ECImpact Access

UWNA Step up for Youth Focus Areas

Early Childhood Development (Ages 0-18)

This initiative will improve social-emotional development, cognitive language skills, early literacy, mathematics, and science learning while increasing support and knowledge for educators, nonprofits, parents and caregivers. This will help ensure that children meet developmental milestones that lead to success throughout their lives.

Impact Areas

  • Kindergarten Readiness
  • Early Literacy Supports

Positive Youth Development (Ages 0-18)

This initiative is based on the principles of the 6 C’s, which include confidence, character, connection, competence, caring and contribution. This positive framework will guide our community in organizing services, opportunities and support to assist our young people in reaching their full potential.

Impact Areas

  • Social-Emotional Well-Being
  • Positive, Supportive Relationships
  • Youth Leadership Development

Safety and Security (Basic Needs)

Being able to meet basic needs like safe housing and adequate food enables families to move from day-to-day existence to planning for a positive future.

Impact Areas

  • Safe Shelter
    • Temporary Shelter
    • Supportive/Transitional/Permanent Housing
    • Rent and Mortgage Assistance
    • Legal Eviction Assistance
    • Utility Assistance
  • Food Security
    • Hot Meals
    • Food Boxes
    • Pounds of food distributed
  • Child Care
    • Child Care Centers
    • Child Care Tuition Assistance
  • Transportation/Resources/Referrals for basic needs
    • Mass Transportation Vouchers for work/essential appointments (DES, Snap, Job interviews)
  • Medication Assistance
    • Medication Subsidies for Clients

Required Performance Measures

United Way of the Northern Arizona has required grant outcomes for both Impact Grants and Safety-net grants. 

Impact Grants – All programs must choose at least one Strengthen Communities – Direct Supports and Services performance measure and at least one Change Lives – Client Outcomes performance measure for reporting purposes. 

Early Childhood Development

Impact Areas – Kindergarten Readiness and Early Literacy Supports

  • Total number of Children (0-5) served
  • Total number of volunteer hours supporting ECD
  • Number of children (0-5) enrolled in high-quality programs supported by UWNA
  • Number of books given to children (0-9)
  • Number of children served receiving literacy supports (0-9)
  • Number of early childhood staff trained to provide quality programs, services
  • Number of families, caregivers served that are provided with information, resources, tools, trainings, and/or teaching skills
  • Percentage of children 0-5 served who achieve developmental milestones
  • Percentage of children who demonstrate increased literacy skills
  • Percentage of parents/caregivers that demonstrate an increase in knowledge or skill

Positive Youth Development

Impact Areas – Social-Emotional Well-Being. Positive Supportive Relationships. Youth Leadership Development

  • Number of youth enrolled in positive youth development programs
  • Number of volunteers/mentoring hours supporting positive youth development Programs
  • Number youth accessing mental health services, one-on-one or group counseling (i.e., substance abuse prevention programs, trauma counseling, suicide prevention)
  • Number of youth with demonstrated progress in social and emotional development in the areas of self-control, empathy, teamwork, problem-solving, and mindfulness
  • Number of youth participating in STEAM, creative arts, physical education, and health education programs
  • Number of youth developing ethical values, reasoning skills, interpersonal skills, including communication, decision-making, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills, and the ability to create healthy relationships
  • Number of youth participating in educational success, and/or work-based learning opportunities leading to increased school attendance, enrolling in career exploration training, and/or participation in financial education training.
  • Number of youth with increased healthy relationship support with adult mentorship, community, school-based and/or youth advocates (youth as mentors)
  • number of youth participating in a variety of teamwork and networking experiences.
  • Percentage of youth who demonstrate behavior change related to positive progression through services provided (improved attendance, grades, behavior etc.)
  • Percentage of caregivers with increased ability to support their youth’s social-emotional well-being
  • Percentage of youth with demonstrated progress in social and emotional development in the areas of self-control, empathy, teamwork, problem-solving, and mindfulness.
  • Percentage of youth developing ethical values, reasoning skills, interpersonal skills, including communication, decision-making, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills, and the ability to create healthy relationships

Safety and Security – Meeting Basic Needs

Impact Area – Safe Shelter

  • Number of temporary shelter nights provided
    • Total unduplicated individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number obtaining rent/mortgage Assistance
    • Total unduplicated individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number obtaining supportive/transitional/permanent housing
    • Total unduplicated individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number receiving eviction assistance
    • Total unduplicated individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number receiving utility assistance
    • Total unduplicated individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served

Impact Area – Food Security

  • Number of hot meals served
    • Total individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number of food boxed distributed
    • Total individuals served
    • Total unduplicated families served
  • Number of pounds of food distributed

Impact Area – Childcare

  • Number of licensed childcare centers assisted
  • Number of childcare tuition grants/assistance provided
  • Average amount of grants/assistance
  • Number of families, caregivers served that are provided with information, resources, tools, trainings, and/or teaching skills
  • Number of childcare center that have been assisted to meet qualifications

Impact Area – Transportation

  • Number of transportation vouchers/bus passes provided for work related trips
  • Number of transportation vouchers/bus passes provided for essentials services (medical/DES/SNAP/counseling)

Impact Area – Medication Assistance

  • Number of unduplicated individuals provided with medication costs deferment
  • Total cost of medication deferred